There are some frequently asked questions.
What is the delivery time?
Normally, our delivery time is around 45 to 60 days. But for some special request or solution, we will communicate with production first before we offer delivery time to customer.
The warranty is 1 year.
The best suggestion is to buy the complete set from us directly, this is more convenient for your service.
Our standard is a single phase, 220V 50HZ. And we can adjust according to the voltage requirements of customers.
Our machine is fully stainless steel.
For contact parts with food, we offer SS304 as standard and SS316 as an option.
Currently we offer English and Chinese manuals.
We can offer the technician if you requested, but you need to pay the return air ticket, visa charges, labor fees and accommodation. We also suggest you check the machine when we finished in our factory and train you operating the machine.
We are able to coordinate with other suppliers to integrate the production line.
Yes, our touch screen can store upto 6 different languages.