Highdream has an extensive range of multihead weighers suited to many food and non-food applications. From entry-level to high-specification models, Highdream multihead weigher combines high-speed operation with unparalleled accuracy and reliability. They are pivotal to the improvement of efficiency and consistency on the production line. Our multihead weighers can be installed as part of an integrated weighing and packing line or interfaced with existing packing equipment.
As one of the best multihead weigher manufacturers and suppliers in China, Highdream offers best quality multihead weighing machines at a reasonable price.
Material is fed onto the inclined conveyor from the feeder, then material will be fed onto the weigher as per the infeeding request from the weigher, material will be dispensed into the infeed buckets of the weigher by the vibration of the top cone and linear feeder pan. Then discharge into the weigh buckets, all material weight inside the weigh buckets will be calculated automatically and the processor of the weigher will find out the most accurate combination as per target weigh setting, then those buckets in this combination will be open and material will be discharged onto the discharge chute, finally go into the downstream equipments (could be packaging machine, index conveyor, tray sealing machine etc.).